Marcella's Story: From Frustrated to Empowered

Stem cell research is changing lives by helping reduce hair loss!
More Hair Naturally has chosen science-backed products that provide results for those with thinning hair. We know how devastating hair loss can be, and we are thrilled to be part of the solution.
Check out this story.
Marcella is one of the many More Hair Naturally clients who has had her life changed with stem cells and all-natural ingredients.
This is something everyone should get behind!
Marcella’s Story: From Frustrated to Empowered
It takes a lot of courage to admit your hair may be thinning.
At first, you may try to deny it or even hide it from the world.
Many men shave their heads in a final act of control.
But, women have it hard.
A thick, luxurious head of hair is a symbol of youth and vibrant health.
While that visual doesn’t always hold true in reality, it’s what we tend to believe.
We know deep down that healthy women can be bald and unhealthy women can have enviously thick hair, but it doesn’t change the perception.
We are wired to see certain signs as potentially threatening survival.
When the hair falls out—especially prematurely—we think something may be wrong.
Hair loss, however, is often linked to a very wide range of things (most of which can be helped).
You could have thin hair because of genetics or hormonal changes.
You might be suffering from a disease or chronic stress.
Or, your hair may be damaged from the environment and harsh products.
Marcella was too young to be losing so much hair.
Even as she delicately cared for her hair, groups of strands just kept coming out.
Worse, they didn’t seem to be growing back in at the same rate.
Like most women with female pattern baldness, she started noticing her part get wider as her ponytail got slimmer.
In the US, 40% of women are impacted by female pattern baldness by age 50.
Marcella felt alone and embarrassed.
Her hair had once been never been extremely thick, but the thinning was becoming noticeable.
She tried a few different products, but nothing seemed to help.
In fact, her hair got worse.
The thinning continued and her part widened.
She started using headbands and hats to cover it.
Her scalp was also secreting a lot of oil, which was clogged her pores and making it harder for her hair to grow as well as making her hair appear “greasy. “
By the time Marcella had heard about More Hair Naturally, she had significant female pattern baldness.
Her part was noticeably wide with nearly ¼” of skin showing.
Her hair on the sides of the part also allowed the scalp to show through.
No amount of positioning could hide her thinning.
Her hair was also extremely greasy, stringy and thin.
It looked dry, brittle and dull—like it was lacking essential nutrients.
She thought the products seemed “unrealistic”at first.
The more she read, the more she wondered if it was possible—could natural ingredients really make much of a difference?
Nothing else had worked—not medications.
Definitely not the homemade masks.
She read a little research on stem cell therapy and realized it was pretty new with very promising results.
She ordered her first starter set of More Hair Naturally products.
When it came, she quickly applied the More Hair Naturally 9 and Hair & Scalp Synergy she had just purchased.
All it took was a spray and gentle massage to the scalp.
The next morning, she gingerly washed her hair with the More Hair Naturally Triple Stem Cell Shampoo.
She felt tingling in her scalp like something was happening.
Hopefully, that’s a good sign, she thought.
Starting With Scalp Health
Of course, it didn’t happen overnight.
After the first wash, her hair was softer and felt cleaner.
It was still too thin, but she had hope the products would work.
After the first month of solid use, she could definitely see a change in her hair.
One of the biggest differences was in how often she had to wash it. “Before it was so oily that I had to wash it every other day,” Marcella recalled. “Now if I wash it only once a week it continues healthy, beautiful, smooth and shining!”
Without the harsh chemicals of typical shampoo, her hair was finally able to stop overproducing oil!
Typically, shampoos include harsh sulfates to strip dirt out of the hair.
The problem is, this also strips out the natural oils your hair needs to remain healthy.
Marcella’s scalp was overproducing oil in an attempt to outpace the harsh shampoo.
Noticing the oil, Marcella would shower—see the cycle of abuse?
But, the More Hair Naturally shampoo formula is extremely gentle.
As she used it, it cleaned her hair without stripping the important oils.
This encouraged her scalp to stop overproducing oil.
The scalp will adjust when it realizes it no longer needs to produce so much.
The shampoo and conditioner duo also had key ingredients for promoting a healthy scalp.
The Anti-fungal and anti-microbial properties of natural ingredients, like coconut oil and bamboo, helped restore balance to her scalp.
Help Promote Hair Growth and Thickness
The More Hair Naturally products line helps extend the lifecycle of the hair so it doesn’t shed as quickly.
It also applies stem cells and peptides to the hair roots, encouraging growth and faster regeneration.
Marcella couldn’t believe the difference it made.
She made sure she didn’t run out of any of the products because she was determined to continue the improvements.
By six months, she felt like a different person—she felt at least 10 years younger.
Anyone she hadn’t seen in a while couldn’t believe the difference.
A few even thought she got hair implants. Her hair was thick.
Her part was no longer wide as it had been before.
Improving Self-Esteem
Hair loss often creates feelings of low self-esteem and sadness.
It can cause depression, anxiety or stress.
When the hair is restored to a more natural thickness, it’s only natural you feel better.
Marcella was thrilled.
"I would like you to know that your products are by far the best ones I’ve used in my lifetime!” she exclaimed. “I have no words to say how much I love More Hair Naturally products!”
She had been using the More Hair Naturally 9, The Hair and Scalp Synergy, Triple Stem Cell Shampoo and Amazing Moisture Conditioner regularly for six months.
“So impressive!” Marcella said. “My hair is also growing stronger and faster. So glad I found it! Thank you so much and please continue to do this amazing job!”
It was a huge commitment to stick with the program, but she’s glad she did.
Her self-esteem has spiked with her hair back to normal.
She hadn’t realized how much her hair mattered to her before she started to lose it.
She almost forgot how bad she felt trying to hide her thinning hair and bald patches.
With her hair restored, she felt confident and free of that burden.
She no longer felt like she could only show a certain angle to the camera.
She was excited—not afraid—to see people she hadn’t seen in a long time.
Now she wants everyone to know about how incredible More Hair Naturally products are.
*Disclaimer: Statements on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. We do not claim anything regarding our products other than your satisfaction. Nothing on this website, including testimonials, photographs, videos, product descriptions and/or educational materials should be construed as a claim for treatment, diagnosis, mitigation, curing or prevention of diseases leading to hair loss. Individual results can and will vary.
All quotes and testimonials published on the More Hair Naturally® website are from verified users. Customer reviews and testimonials concerning or related to hair loss, dandruff, new hair growth, hair loss, itchy scalp and or androgenetic alopecia reflect the individual reviewer’s results and experiences only.