These are self-taken, unedited photos sent to us by More Hair Naturally clients. These are not professional photos. All quotes and testimonial here and throughout the More Hair Naturally® website are from verified users.*

"The company's state-of-the-art products are designed to encourage robust new hair growth without drugs, side effects, or lifetime usage." - Health X Wire

"The regenerative properties of three natural stem cell extracts supercharge this exclusive formulation for thinning hair." - Skin & Beauty

"It’s a whole new approach to thinning hair. There’s no product like this on the market. You don’t have to sacrifice your health to have hair" - News 7 Health

"The company's state-of-the-art products are designed to encourage robust new hair growth without drugs, side effects, or lifetime usage." - Health X Wire

"The regenerative properties of three natural stem cell extracts supercharge this exclusive formulation for thinning hair." - Skin & Beauty

"It’s a whole new approach to thinning hair. There’s no product like this on the market. You don’t have to sacrifice your health to have hair" - News 7 Health
"People Compliment Me On How Thick My Hair Looks"
"I Have New Hair Growth That I've Never Had Before!"
"My Hair Started Growing Back In"
"I'll Never Stop Using This Stuff!"
Click on image to see the program or product customer used to achieve the pictured results. *
"Making my hair sprout like weeds..."
"I've been using the different products for over ten years with good to moderate results. This latest stuff, the 9, is making my hair sprout like weeds. It's unbelievable."* ~D., California
Customer used More Hair Naturally 9 along with the Hair & Scalp Synergy.*
"A Little Something Tickling my forehead!"
"My Hair Is Just Growing Back!"
"My Hair Is Shinier And Very Thick"
"It Helps My Hair From Thinning"
"30 days out and my hair is coming back..."
"I was losing my hair... It was coming out in hand fulls due to stress. I tried everything until I ran across your product. It worked and stopped the hair thinning. This is 30 days out and my hair is coming back. It really saved my hair. When a woman loses her hair it affects everything. She will pay for a product that works at any cost!!" TR - More Hair Naturally client
"I thought I would have to have a transplant..."
"Been using about 6 weeks starting to see results I thought I would have to have a transplant but I think I found the solution." - T.D. More Hair Naturally client
"I really want people to know that the product works… there is something out there that works."
"How do you have so much hair? Did you get hair plugs? That's a question I get asked a lot. 'Your hair, do you actually do anything about it or is just luck?' It's not luck. I've been doing something about it, I use More Hair Naturally. But let's face it, I'm not in my twenties and I still have fricking gorgeous hair, especially when it dries. I really want people to know that the product works… there is something out there that works."
"My hair thickness is back..."
"Works great. In my third bottle and my hair thickness is back!!! Amazing product!" - D.M. More Hair Naturally client
"Hair I thought was gone is coming back..."
"I use it [the Hair & Scalp Synergy] with the More Hair Naturally 9 and hair I thought was gone is coming back! I can’t wait for the next 6 months when I expect to see amazing results!" - M.N.
"I am thrilled!"
"It's really starting to fill in with soft fuzzy baby hair. I am thrilled!"* -E.R. More Hair Naturally Customer
*(Verified More Hair Naturally customer. Photos were taken after 6 months of use of the More Hair Naturally 9 + The Hair and Scalp Synergy along with the Triple Stem Cell Shampoo and Amazing Moisture Conditioner. Results can and will vary)
"I have no words to say how much I love More Hair Naturally..."
"I would like you to know that your products are by far the best ones I’ve used in my lifetime! In only one month I could see a huge difference, especially in the volume and growth. After 3 months using it, I could see a total change in my hair. Before it was so oily that I had to wash it every other day. Now if I wash it only once a week it continues healthy, beautiful, smooth and shining! So impressive! My hair is also growing stronger and faster. So glad I found it! Thank you so much and please continue to do this amazing job! ♥️"* -Marcella, More Hair Naturally Customer
Customer used More Hair Naturally 9 along with the Hair & Scalp Synergy.*
"I saw a dramatic improvement in my hairline..."
"I had always been skeptical of products advertising to stop and reverse hair loss, but when I saw that my hair was definitely thinning, I decided to give More Hair Naturally a try. After using it for just 2 weeks, I saw a dramatic improvement in my hairline and in the thickness of my hair. I cannot recommend More Hair, Naturally enough. You can actually feel it working when you apply it! The results are amazing!"* ~J.F.B., California
"I'm hopeful about getting my hair back..."
"I have been using the shampoo, conditioner and both spray on serums. Not for long, but I can't believe the difference in my hair already!! For me, the cost is justifiable based on how much money I've wasted on trying products that don't work. For the first time, I'm hopeful about getting my hair back! Thank you for creating a great product"... (2 months later) "It is so worth it! After 2 months of consistent use, I have new hairs growing all over my head! I am so happy with it!" - Gretchen, More Hair Naturally client
"My bald spots are slowly filling in..."
"I’ve spent quite a few years trying everything from Rogain to Minoxidil, shampoos, hair vitamins, essential oils, collagen and probiotic supplements, etc. I’m into my second month of using More Hair Naturally products...I went for the whole shebang: shampoo, conditioner, hair and scalp synergy spray, and the stem cell & peptide 9 complex. My bald spots are slowly filling in and I believe I’ve finally found something that actually works. I believe this is the real deal...I’m so encouraged by this line of products!" A.R, More Hair Naturally client
"Having male pattern baldness on both sides of my family..."
"Having male pattern baldness on both sides of my family going back generations I got an early start on trying to retain my hair. By age 29 I lost at least 10% of my hair and it was going fast! I was an early adopter of Minoxidil when it was first offered for hair loss on a prescription basis. Over the years it became apparent that it was not keeping up with my receding hairline and thinning crown. After hearing a radio ad about 5-years ago, I began using a natural product, designed to stop DHT. Through the company's changes and product developments, More Hair Naturally 9 has thus far foiled my genetic predisposition to be a bald guy.
The experience has not been without periodic heartburn. Each time the product changed and improved I started losing hair again and called customer service in a panic. They did a terrific job of explaining the transition and what to do differently until my chemistry adapted to the new formula. Ultimately the hair loss subsided and we were back to maintenance mode in a couple of months.
Now, at age 60, I can attest to the efficacy of the product and the terrific service that comes with it."* ~P., TX
"Hairs growing in like crazy..."
It is incredible I have been using it for 20 days and I can see baby hairs growing in like crazy, best product ever and great customer service, they called me and explained to me how to use the product to accomplish my goals!! CL - More Hair Naturally client
"It started growing back in..."
"Once I started using this product my hair not only just stopped falling out, it started growing back in. The More Hair Naturally 9 has been a great asset in getting my hair back." - Barry
I have new hairs growing all over my head!
"It is expensive, but it is so worth it! How much have you spent trying so many products that don't work? I can't even tell you how much I have spent. This one actually does what it says it's going to do. After 2 months of consistent use, I have new hairs growing all over my head! I am so happy with it. It isn't a gimmick or a rip off. It really does work. I am not employed by More Hair Naturally. I'm a very satisfied customer. Unless you've tried it and it hasn't worked for you, don't say negative comments. Yes, it's expensive. But sometimes you get what you pay for." G.M., More Hair Naturally client
" Very quickly started seeing my hair thickening up..."
"I had quite a bit of thinning presumably caused by menopause. I tried the More Hair Naturally 9 stem cell formula, and very quickly started seeing my hair thickening up, and filling in spots that had been getting pretty bare. I’ve been using it about 2 years now, and am still seeing more improvements. I also love the new stem cell shampoo. The products are easy to use, and I intend to continue using them." J. More Hair Naturally Client
Click on image to see the program or product customer used to achieve the pictured results. *
"Today, the bald spot is almost completely filled in..."
"I began researching More Hair Naturally online and decided to try the Intensive Scalp Serum and Shampoo. I began to see some slight regrowth in spots that I've never seen regrowth before, but it just wasn't enough. I was introduced into the More Hair Naturally 9 Program and purchased a few bottles. I have now been using it for 2-months and have seen some amazing results. I use the scalp serum in the morning, and then 3 sprays at lunch and 3 sprays in the evening. I just started my second bottle.... you can see on the top where there are hair follicles starting to grow back! It was really in the past 30 days that I started seeing some visible growth. I am hoping that this success will continue and eventually have my crown fill in completely!"
[A few months later...]
"I have hit the 9-month mark and wanted to share my results. The results speak for themselves and I could not be happier. What an amazing product. At 9-months, I continue to see results and the hair is filling in nicely. Back in November, you could clearly see the skin on my scalp and there was little if any hair in the bald spot (size of a softball). Today, the bald spot is almost completely filled in and the hair continues to become denser by the week. I continue to use 3 sprays of the More Hair Naturally 9 in the morning and 3 sprays at night. I use the Intensive Scalp Serum once every 3 days."* ~M.R., Michigan
"As a doctor..."
"As a Doctor board certified in Natural and Integrative Medicine for more than 30 years, and a strong academic background in the sciences, I won't say that I was skeptical of re-growing my hair, but more of an indifference about it, accepting my male-pattern baldness. It is genetic and unavoidable in my family line. I used the More Hair Naturally product more as a test subject than with the interest of growing hair back, and after a number of months, noticed a definitive change. The thin and sparse, almost baby-hair on the top of my head in front of the completely bald area, has transformed into real , darker, hair. Still sparse, but an amazing improvement in appearance, and the diameter of the fully balded area has decreased as well.
I have been interested in the applications of using live stem cells for various regenerative purposes in the body, and I am convinced that this is what makes this spray so effective. Basically I was doubtful that with my inherited (and verified with genetic testing) baldness, there would be much of a change, and have been very surprised and well pleased with the result. Furthermore, I enjoy the sense of vitality and aliveness in my scalp I feel when I apply More Hair Naturally 9."* ~Dr. R.N., DC, BCIM
Click on image to see the program or product customer used to achieve the pictured results. *
"She said it looked like I had a hair transplant..."
"I didn't tell anyone that I was using it when one day a woman in my office asked me what I was doing to hair. She said it looked like I had a hair transplant." - Judy, More Hair Naturally® 9 user
"It is certainly working for me!"
"It is certainly working for me! I was working with a dermatologist for my bald spot who was giving me steroid injections (not working). Now she is seeing at least some peach fuzz after about two months of using the spray!" Theressa, More Hair Naturally® 9 User
"My son's alopecia areata..."
"My son's alopecia areata is getting better. The areata went from a dime size to a quarter size and is now back to a dime size. It's closing up, hair is regrowing and things are looking good for him!"* ~R.G., Illinois
"I had quite a bit of thinning presumably caused by menopause...."
"I had quite a bit of thinning presumably caused by menopause. When More Hair Naturally came out, I tried the Number 9 stem cell formula, and very quickly started seeing my hair thickening up, and filling in spots that had been getting pretty bare. I’ve been using it about 2 years now, and am still seeing more improvements. I also love the new stem cell shampoo. The products are easy to use, and I intend to continue using them."* ~ J.Q., CA
Click on image to see the program or product customer used to achieve the pictured results. *
"We all know how important a woman's hair is to her self image..."
"I have been using the More Hair Naturally®9 for 4 1/2 months. We all know how important a woman's hair is to her self image. I was so depressed over my hair loss, that I purchased wigs. My hair loss was so bad I couldn't style it to cover the thinning and bald spots... I started using More Hair Naturally® 9, about 3 months later I had friends asking what I was doing. They couldn't believe how thick my hair was! They were touching it in disbelief! I am seeing new growth with every shampoo. I was always afraid of washing my hair for fear of the fallout, not anymore. I would recommend this product to everyone. This is not just for thickening/volume, I have actual new growth. Even my beautician has said that my hair thickness has been better each month since I've started with the More Hair Naturally® 9. But she does not know why... I haven’t told her why."* ~D.W., MO
"Fullness and the new hairs coming in..."
"It's only been two months and IT IS working! My hair used to lie flat because it was so thin. Now when I comb it back, it's like a pillow, that's the only way I can explain it, because of the fullness and the new hairs coming in. I can see them and it gives me that pillow effect. That's why I want to carry it in my salon."* ~ M.G., NY
"I'm seeing significant progress.."
"Using The More Hair Naturally 9 with the Intensive Scalp Serum is giving me amazing results. Prior to this combo, I was just maintaining my hair and now I'm seeing significant progress. I use one in the morning and the other in the evening. Simple and easy!"* ~ P,Ohio
"I am female..."
"I am female, 60 years old and had hair loss due to a combo of menopause and some meds that contained steroids. I was losing it in the back, the crown area. That area was about 75-85% of thinning. I saw the More Hair Naturally products on the internet and what struck me was the ingredients that they were using, which is hard to find in other products and websites. The actual ingredients, I mean. More Hair Naturally was right upfront about it and I consider stem cells to be cutting edge technology in treatment of hair condition(s). I purchased a 6 month program of the More Hair Naturally 9 and the Intensive Scalp Serum, but began seeing results in about 4. The volume of my hair is thicker and the area on the crown is now over 90% filled in."* ~J.S., Indiana
"My hairline has improved with new hair growing..."
"I have been using your product for four months now, and here are the results so far. The hair on top of my head was starting to thin. This has improved to the point where it’s now difficult to see the previously thinning area. But the most surprising thing is that my hairline has improved with new hair growing, and still growing at the front and temples where I have been slowly receding for about 10 years. I can say without a shadow of a doubt that I have denser hair than I did five years ago and it is still improving. What makes it even more remarkable is that I am in my late fifties. I wish it had been available sooner."* ~P.D. United Kingdom
"I now have thicker hair..."
"I found the application process very simple and started to see some new growth inside the first month. I had used other products, but they just seemed to maintain, whereas with the 9 I was actually seeing improvement. They told me to use it every day, but I only used it three times per week, about 3 sprays. I now have thicker hair and am pretty much done!"* ~J.J., OK
"This stuff delivers..."
"I will swear by their conditioner. I’ve been using it for years. It doesn’t even matter what condition your hair is in, this stuff delivers and makes all hair types soft without weighing it down."* ~T.A., NY
Not sure what to do about your thinning hair? Call 1(818)303-9038 for a FREE, over the phone hair loss consultation.
*Statements on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. We do not claim anything regarding our products other than your satisfaction. Nothing on this web site, including testimonials, photographs, videos, product descriptions and/or educational materials should be construed as a claim for treatment, diagnosis, mitigation, curing or prevention of diseases leading to hair loss. Individual results can and will vary.
Advice and recommendations given in this website or in personal consultation by phone, email, in-person, online coaching, or otherwise, is at the reader's sole discretion and risk. You should see a qualified, licensed doctor before starting any hair or scalp care, skin care, nutritional, diet, stretching, and/or exercise program. Information presented on this website is not to be interpreted as any kind of attempt to prescribe or practice medicine. These statements and information have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. No product offerings are intended to treat, diagnose, cure or prevent any disease. You should always consult with a competent, fully-informed medical professional or health practitioner when making decisions having to do with your health. You are advised to investigate and educate yourself about any health related actions and choices you make.
All quotes and testimonials published on the More Hair Naturally® website are from verified users.