After talking to 1000’s of people over the years with thinning hair, it has become clear that for many of our clients, scalp problems were often at the root of their hair concerns. Scalp health is essential in supporting the production of healthy hair.
If you think of it in terms of a garden, your scalp being the soil and your hair being the plant. No matter what kind of seeds you plant, they will never grow if the soil is dry, cracked and undernourished.
It is essential that the follicle and the scalp, at the point of exit are clean, clear, healthy and maintained. Follicles that are full of sebum (oil) or blocked by dead or flaking skin will have an impact on the quality of hair growth. So much so that permanently blocked or obstructed follicles may eventually cease to produce hair at all.
This is why we created the Hair and Scalp Synergy!
Using a unique and all-natural approach, including extracts from the Basil Plant, Pea Sprouts, Azalea Flowers, tobacco leaf, Rosebay and more there has never been a product for scalp health and thinning hair like Hair & Scalp Synergy™.
Each ingredient is designed to specifically target a different aspect of scalp health. Root culture from the Basil plant to help stimulate collagen (essential for healthy hair and scalp) as well as block DHT (the medically recognized cause of hair loss) build-up on the scalp. Proteins from tobacco leaf to help nourish, protect and detoxify the hair and scalp. Rosebay extract for excess sebum build-up and to help balance and regulate the scalp and the list goes on!

This is the most powerful combination of multi-complex triple enzymes, proteins, plant stem cells and botanical extracts ever brought together to help activate and ignite the spark which brings your hair and scalp back to life.
Your hair and scalp will flourish in a way you never imagined. Get ready for the transformation you only ever dreamt was possible.
You can change the condition of your hair! Get that Thick, Full Healthy Hair which will make you feel great!