“It was like getting a facial on my hair, it was just wonderful and you could just feel it drawing out the impurities.” - Lavana
"The Best Hair Product I've Ever Tried..."
"I have only been using it a few weeks now, but I believe this may be the best hair product I've ever tried! My scalp feels the best it has ever felt and my hair looks Amazing!" - A.R. More Hair Naturally client
What it does.
How to apply it.
Why you need it.
How it helps change the condition of your hair.
Why It's Important That You Make The Accelerator A Part Of Your Life
Environmental build-up on the scalp can come from various sources, such as dust, pollution, sweat, and styling products.
The accumulation of these substances can clog hair follicles and impede new hair growth, leading to inflammation and other scalp conditions.
If left untreated, environmental build-up can eventually result in hair loss and thinning.
Additionally, clogged hair follicles can cause the scalp to become itchy and dry, further exacerbating scalp problems.
To prevent the accumulation of environmental build-up on the scalp, it is crucial to regularly remove this build-up and maintain an optimum scalp environment to encourage healthy growth while at the same time leaving the hair looking fuller, thicker and healthier.
Regular exfoliation of the scalp help More Hair Naturally treatments (and other treatments)absorb faster, deeper and more thoroughly.
"My hair looks great..."
"I really noticed a difference, my hair looks great!" - M.S. More Hair Naturally client
Results powered by nature, enhanced by science and backed by clients
Fueled by the power of*...
Increase the proliferation of hair follicle cells and stimulate the production of keratin, a protein that is important for hair growth.
Ashwagandha Root Extract
Promotes overall hair health and vitality and helps to improve blood flow to the scalp.
Can help to stimulate hair growth by improving blood flow to the hair follicles. It also helps to block the effects of DHT.
Biotin (B7)
Helps to strengthen hair follicles, reduce breakage, promote healthy hair growth and improve the overall health of your scalp.
Blueberry Fruit Extract
A published international study found that a hair serum containing blueberry extract helped improved hair growth and thickness.
Essential for the growth and maintenance of healthy hair and scalp. Can help to reduce the growth of bacteria and fungi on the scalp, reducing dandruff and other scalp conditions.
Plays an important role in hair tissue growth and repair by supporting the production of keratin, a protein that makes up the hair.
Amazon Lily
Rich in amino acids and vitamins that can help to nourish and strengthen the hair, reducing breakage and promoting healthy hair growth.
How Do I Know If I Need it?
Here's the thing, any kind of non-optimum scalp condition is going to impede healthy hair growth.
Trying to grow thick, full, healthy hair in an unhealthy scalp environment is just not going to work.
If your scalp is itchy, dry, oily, flaky, tight or if you use a lot of hair styling products all of these can and will clog the pores and follicles on your scalp making healthy hair growth difficult.
Even spending time outside, environmental pollutants and toxins will accumulate on your scalp, clogging your pores and creating an unhealthy growth environment causing your hair to struggle as it grows.
Regular shampooing and conditioning help but they will not unclog the microscopic congestion in your pores and help encourage healthy growth, this is where the More Hair Naturally Accelerator comes in.
If your scalp is...
Damaged from Scalp-pulling styling
If you…
Spend a lot of time out side
Commute in the city
Use hair styling products
Dye your hair
Do active sports
Live in a hot environment
Live in a humid environment
Perspire Heavily
Work around chemicals
Work out doors
Have thinning hair
Have damaged hair
Extreme styling
Live in an active city
Hormone imbalances
Regularly use dry shampoo

Then the Accelerator will really benefit you, your scalp and your hair.
All of these conditions have the potential to cover your scalp and clog your pores and follicles with toxins and environmental residues that can impede healthy growth and scalp health.
Healthy hair begins at the root and lives on the scalp. Keeping them clean and healthy is the key to thicker fuller looking hair.
You will begin to see and feel a change in the condition of your existing hair & scalp after the first use!
Frequently Asked Questions
1. What results will I see?
Your scalp will start to feel cleaner and healthier than it has ever felt before.
You will also notice an improvement in your hair's overall quality and manageability —improved shine, control and less frizz.
2. How often should I use it?
We recommend 3 times per week, but if you want to use it more often (or less) you can.
3. How long will one tube last?
It depends on how much you use it and how much you need to cover your scalp, but at 3 times a week, one tube should last you 2-4 months.
4. How do I apply it?
We suggest applying 3 times per week.
Use Before Shampooing
Wet scalp thoroughly
Apply directly onto the scalp
Massage the scalp gently to create a deep cleansing exfoliation action
Leave it on for a few minutes
Massage while rinsing with water to loosen and remove residual debris
Shampoo scalp and hair
Rinse thoroughly
Repeat shampooing if desired
5. How is this different than other exfoliators?
Ingredient, ingredients, ingredients!
No product on the market can hold a candle to the amount of beneficial and game-changing ingredients found in the More Hair Naturally Accelerator.
Every ingredient was painstakingly chosen for the benefits it will have on your scalp and hair.
6. Will it help improve the health of my scalp?
Every ingredient was chosen because it has very unique and specific healing qualities to address every issue and condition that can impede healthy hair growth or non-optimum scalp conditions.
7. Are there any harsh chemicals or detergents in the accelerator?
No. The More Hair Naturally Accelerator is:
Sodium Lauryl SulfateFree
Paraben Free
Propylene Glycol Free
Safe for Color TreatedHair
No Animal Derivatives
Vegan Formulation
No Animal Testing
Petroleum Free
Sulfate Free
8. Does this product have any side effects?
There are no side effects associated with the Accelerator.
9. Can I use this even though I don't use the MHN9 or Hair & Scalp Synergy?
It is a stand-alone product that will significantly improve the condition of your scalp and hair.
The healing properties of the Accelerator is unprecedented in the transformation that is possible in the overlook, feel and well-being of your scalp and hair.
10. Will it help with Frizzy hair?
Yes, if your frizzy hair bothers you, you want the Accelerator.
After a few weeks of use, the change you are looking for will be visible.
11. Why is it so expensive?
The ingredients.
Every ingredient is either, organic, derived from nature or non-GMO and is chosen because it has very unique and specific healing qualities to address every issue and condition (we could think of) that can impede healthy hair growth or non-optimum scalp conditions.
We went out of our way to ensure that every ingredient is something we would be comfortable with our children, parents and loved ones using while at the same time producing life-changing results.
12. Will this fix my scalp issues, such as dandruff?
While the Accelerator will help heal many scalp conditions, it is important to talk with a doctor about any ongoing or consistent issue.
13. How does it work with other More Hair Naturally products?
The Accelerator will unclog the pores on your scalp making for greater and deeper absorption of your More Hair Naturally products which in turn will help accelerate results.
Hence the name... "The Accelerator"
14. Will the exfoliation irritate my scalp?
Irritation is not common.
We use very finely ground Olive seeds for the physical exfoliation of your scalp.
However, if you find your scalp irritated it means one of two things.
1) You are pressing too hard when you are massaging the formula into your scalp or,
2) You are using it too often for your sensitivity level.
First, try not pressing so hard when massaging it into your scalp, then try reducing your frequency of application.
If neither of these work, call us at 1(818)303-9038 and we will troubleshoot together.
15. Can I use it if my scalp is flakey?
This exfoliator is made with specific botanical extracts to help aid in healing this condition.
16. Should I use this before or after I shampoo?
We suggest using this before shampooing since it contains very fine grains of ground olive seeds which are best rinsed out with shampoo.
However, if you want to experiment with using it as a replacement for conditioner, feel free and see how your hair feels and if you can easily rinse out the ground olive seeds without shampooing.
17. Will this strip color-treated (hair dye) hair?
The Accelerator is color safe and will not strip hair of any dye applied to it.
However, we do recommend not applying 36 hours before or after applying coloring, permanents, or straightening hair.
18. How do I use it as a leave-in treatment?
The Accelerator is a GREAT leave-in treatment that will change the look, feel and texture of your hair and scalp.
Wet hair.
Apply directly onto the scalp
Massage the scalp gently to create a deep cleansing exfoliation action
Leave it on for 20 minutes
Massage while rinsing with water to loosen and remove residual debris
Shampoo scalp and hair
Rinse thoroughly
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- Reviews (26)
the Normal Hair Naturally 9 & Hair and Scalp Synergy, but if needed, I will definitely extend the treatment and purchase additional three months supply.
Thank you for this wonderful product, and hope that it brings in restoring full head of hair, and healthy scalp. Read LessRead less about I have used many products in the past,
*The statements associated with this product have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.